Who are we?
IncluSing is an Oslo-based choir open to all queer and marginalised people. We are especially focusing on having fun with music together, growing together, and being social! That means that there is no level requirement, it doesn’t matter if you’re tone deaf or a professional singer, and there is also no commitment requirement, come when you can!
We also do not have a gendered division of the voices and we are very careful to make trans friends comfortable. It also means that you sing what you like best!
We welcome people from 18, no upper age limit. If you are underage, please give our youth group Q*oir a try 💙
Join us!
You can join at any time – you don’t need to wait for the beginning of the semester!
We don’t do auditions or anything – It’s very relaxed, just pop in at a rehearsal! We sing every Wednesday, at Mariboes gate 13 (Fri OV’s offices, which are universally designed), on the 7th floor (with elevator), from 17:30 to 19:30.
You can always look us up and write to us on facebook @IncluSing.skeivtkor where you will also see the coming events, on instagram @inclusing_skeivtkor, or you may write an email to us at inclusing@friosloviken.no.
You’re very welcome!
