IncluSing meet up in Pride Park

ons28juniTid: SE DETALJERIncluSing meet up in Pride Park


2023: Onsdag 28. juni – i Pride Park på Kontraskjæret – klokken 17:00:

IncluSing is an Oslo-based choir open to all queer and marginalised people. We are especially focusing on having fun with music together, growing together, and being social!

Wednesday june 28th at 17:00 there will be a big IncluSing meet up a FRIs stand in Pride Park, and from that time all whos interessted can join the group – and from there IncluSing will find a nice place in the park to hang out.

More info about IncluSing!


28. juni 2023 Tid: SE DETALJER(GMT+01:00)