Karmaklubb* goes ‘Wünderkammer’;

tir12okt18:00tir18:45Karmaklubb* goes ‘Wünderkammer’;Kaeto Sweeney and screening for MARTINE


Tue, 12 Oct, 18:00 (approx. 45 min)

Thought and pleasure session 2: Kaeto Sweeney, incl. screening of MARTINE

Synopsis: Martine is a transvestite who walks around Paris barefoot often wearing a mini skirt or dress. She sometimes films herself getting in and out of the city’s waters then shares her images on social media. We met in October 2015. The film is built upon fragments of our encounter and the relationship we built over 2 years. Throughout the film, I am searching for ‘our thing in common’ and how to film it. (Words of Kaeto)

More info by following the links.

Happening: DOGA, Hausmannsgate 16.


10 DAYS OF CELEBRATION!!!!! Art, ‘thought and pleasure’, a place to be, club, dance, joy. A festival within the festival ‘Wünderkammer — Queer Art Festival 2021’! Finally we can celebrate Pride with other people … imagine that. — Full timetable being updated as we go! More partners, too. But happening. And we know many friends are there as well. All at DOGA and two satellites. Follow for updates here and Instagram @karmaklubb_oslo


Stay tuned on the full programme of ‘Wünderkammer’ (also other partners) through the mother event!

And in the Karmaklubb* gold mine: karmaklubb.com/wunderkammer-2021


12. okt 2021 18:00 - 18:45(GMT+01:00)