Karmaklubb* Skeiv kopp: Garden celebration and Bar Disko-Karma* *** Kristiansand edition! ***

lør14aug(aug 14)14:30søn15(aug 15)02:00Karmaklubb* Skeiv kopp: Garden celebration and Bar Disko-Karma* *** Kristiansand edition! ***Vaktbua, Kristiansand!


*** Outdoors, indoors, ale, music, fun. Bar Disko-Karma* with Disko Brewing and our new friends in Skeiv kopp. We continue our tour going to places in need and desire: South. Venue we know: The legendary Vaktbua. The gorgeous beings Ida & Naomi of SYNK (NOR) will play, and so will Tine, most likely. We will do a couple of sofa meetings (open conversations) as well during the day and evening. There will be ale, gifts (cups!), RISO gems, greatness. Knight Becks will join the bar, too. And during the night: *DRAG* by Paracetia Ibuprophenia (NOR)!! Hopefully clubbing, perhaps some surprises. Stay tuned! Times are best case and -ish: 2 pm to 2 am. ***

We continue spreading good karma* where good karma* is needed: SOUTH.

Skeiv kopp makes ceramic cups (things to drink from) dedicated to queer icons. (Speaking about the cups; as you know we care for such. It helps you drink valuable, totally necessary, and tasty liquids. They could be enjoyed alone, together, as celebration. If you are following, why not look up ‘Three Of Cups’ for another fun fact, or at last fun to worship and make a fact. Just sayin.) — A salute to queerness, openness, and diversity in general. It is a gesture, a toast (cheers!), could even be a gift; a something to be sipped from, integrated in homes widespread the country and abroad. The word means ‘queer mug / jug / cup’.

Organized by Kristiansand based artists and beautiful beings Jo Ravn Abusland, Pia Eikaas, and Kristine K. Wessel / Mesén. Supported by Cultiva.

Facebook event

More info at Karmaklubb*


14. aug 2021 14:30 - 15. aug 2021 02:00(GMT+01:00)