"My Rainbow Family" - a tale of a picture book from Croatia

søn25juni17:30søn18:30"My Rainbow Family" - a tale of a picture book from Croatia


2023: SØNDAG 25. JUNI KL. 17:30 – på Pride House. Legenes hus, Christiania Torv 5.

The picture book «My rainbow family» was first published in Croatia in 2017 by the Rainbow Families Croatia association with the aim of strengthening the social integration of children with same-sex parents and promoting tolerance and respect for diversity. It started as a small project at first; but in the next few years, the picture book was followed by two sequels, international translations, and two successful crowdfunding campaigns. The picture books opened the discourse about LGBTIQ* family life in Croatia and other countries in South-eastern Europe – learn more about this inspiring story during the talk with members of Rainbow Families Croatia!

Av: Rainbow Families Croatia and FRI.



25. juni 2023 17:30 - 18:30(GMT+01:00)


Pride House

Christiania Torv 5, 0158 Oslo

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