Q*oir: Movie Night

tor13jan18:00tor23:50Q*oir: Movie Night


Q*oir er Skeiv Ungdom Oslo og Viken sitt fantastiske kor.

13. januar 2022:
La oss kose oss med en liten filmkveld!! Vi skal se «Pride» over discord for en smittevennlig, koselig aktivitet i disse kalde tider. Alle kan bli med, visningen vil foregå på Skeiv ungdom sin discord server.
Link til discord:

Q*oir is Queer Youth (Skeiv Ungdom) in Oslo and Viken’s fantastic choir.
January 13th 2022: Let’s have a lovely little movie night!! We’re going to watch «Pride» over discord for a covid-safe fun hangout in these freezing times. Everyone is welcome to join, the streaming will take place on Skeiv Ungdom’s discord server.
Link to discord: https://discord.com/invite/nMrbx52kcd
Hopefully this event will happen with few technical errors, but time will tell😬.


13. jan 2022 18:00 - 23:50(GMT+01:00)