Skeiv Filmklubb presents: «Le Havre» (2011)

lør03juni14:00lør17:00Skeiv Filmklubb presents: «Le Havre» (2011)at Minikino 3rd floor in Deichman Bjørvika


Welcome to Skeiv Filmklubb an open space to watch and discuss high artistic quality films that explore themes related to queerness within a social-political perspective. Skeiv Filmklubb is a Skeiv Verden’s initiative to broaden the regular cultural offer in the city for those who want to delve into the world of cinema from a LGTBQIA standpoint.

This first program entitled “Foreigner. Queer.” will allow us to explore possible intersectionalities on those topics. The original use of the word queer denotes something or someone that differs from the norm and may be seen as unusual, odd, strange. Based on that premise we may dare to ask: is a foreigner seen as odd, a stranger? And therefore does being foreigner and queer mean we’re queer twice? We invite you to watch amazing films and join the conversation about those questions and others that may surface along our sessions.

Le Havre is a film by the acclaimed Finnish director Aki Kaurismaki. He began his career in the 80’s and while using a tragicomic language in a distinctive style, he’s well known for not deviating from difficult themes. In Le Havre Kaurismaki adresses the refugee situation in Europe. Whats the role of the State? How does it proceed and why? And above it all, what’s the role of each of us as a community of people and how can we proceed when facing those who fled a life threateaning situation? All these questions are presented in this delightful film with Kaurismaki’s unique humorous way of dealing with heavy subjects that has rendered him awards in the most important film festivals all over the world.

This film will be exhibited in French language with English subtitles.

The conversation after the film will be led by Tales Maniçoba. Tales is a Brazilian lawyer and film director based in Norway. He is educated in film both in Brazil (CAC/UFPE) and Poland (PWSTViT) and has written and directed a number of short films that were exhibited at museums and on public TV. During his years in Recife Law School (FDR/UFPE), Tales funded and coordinated its very first studies group on law and sexuality. Since then he’s taken part in social movements for themes related to queerness and the democratic use of public spaces.


3. juni 2023 14:00 - 17:00(GMT+01:00)