Skeiv Filmklubb - Sweet Amianto

lør30sept14:00Skeiv Filmklubb - Sweet Amianto


Welcome to Skeiv Filmklubb an open space to watch and discuss high artistic quality films that explore themes related to queerness within a social-political perspective. Skeiv Filmklubb is a conjoint initiative of Skeiv Verden and SKOKS- Et Skeivt Kunst- og Kultursenter to broaden the regular cultural offer in the city for those who want to delve into the world of cinema from an LGTBQIA+ standpoint.

About the film:
Sweet Amianto is delirium. A queer lyrical fantasy that traverses a poetic field and experiments with filmic languages. We follow Amianto in search of love. The lover’s journey with all the light and shadow she allows. After the musical Sweet Charity, Cabíria resurges in the 21st century. In tones of Sirkian melodrama mixed with Brazilian marginal cinema, this is a memorable and unique cinematic experience.
This film will be exhibited in Portuguese language with English subtitles.
Transidentities is our first program dedicated to films depicting gender non-conforming individuals. With this series, we want to explore themes related to gender variance and its effects on one’s life and self-perception when in contact with societal rules and expectations. We invite you to watch great films and join the conversation where we can think together, express our opinions, and discuss queer cinema in a safe environment.

The talk:
The conversation after the film will be led by Tales Maniçoba. Tales is a Brazilian lawyer and film director based in Norway. He is educated in film both in Brazil (CAC/UFPE) and Poland (PWSTViT) and has written and directed a number of short films that were exhibited at museums and on public TV. During his years in Recife Law School (FDR/UFPE), Tales funded and coordinated its very first studies group on law and sexuality. Since then he’s taken part in social movements for themes related to queerness and the democratic use of public spaces.


30. sept 2023 14:00(GMT+01:00)